My Girlfriend (27M) Suddenly Decided To End Everything Three Months Before The Wedding. I (28F) do not understand what is happening.
I have been with my boyfriend for 7 years and we have been dating for about 2 years.
We've had trials like any other couple but no major issues except once or twice a few years ago. Suddenly, the other day my boyfriend (M27) seemed very sad after work and didn't say why.
She suddenly burst into tears and told me she was living a lie to herself and me about wanting to get married and feeling happy.
In the last few days he said that he loves me more than anything but he wants to start something new with no responsibilities (we have pets but no kids and no plans for it) and he thinks he would be happier if i don't have
I was totally confused and in disbelief. He came home Tuesday night with the dog and some belongings and was slowly picking up other things.
He came last night and this afternoon and I poured out all my feelings to him and he said that he is afraid that if he stays with me his sadness will continue like the last few days but he also says that it is hard for him and he misses he has me and he is not coping well. He looks depressed and I'm hurt and asking him for another chance and he seems like he wants to say yes but physically it's like he's fighting with himself but keeps saying no. She says it would be easy to say yes but she feels she has to make a difficult decision for herself.
Although we are not perfect, he seems excited about the wedding and honeymoon and party we have planned and he bought a suit recently and I bought my wedding dress. I really thought everything was going well but it was stressful planning the wedding but still exciting in my opinion!
He is now living at his mom's house with our dog (I can't take care of him by myself) and will be coming tomorrow to pick up the rest of his things. When he picked up some of his stuff today, I almost had to get mad at him and tell him to leave because he was saying all these things about needing freedom but couldn't get out the door saying it was hard. When I confronted him and said that his words said one thing and his actions said another, he denied wanting to stay with me.
He says his mind has been spinning all week and he can't quiet the noise. I gave him the space he asked for but everything seems to be getting worse! I was totally confused and hurt. No one saw it, not even his friends.
I told him do you understand that your responsibilities don't just stop because you are single? This is life. What do you do if you leave me and have your own place and you're not happy after a while? And all he said was that he would know he was wrong at that point.
Her parents barely have room for her and the dog, what with all her stuff, so I don't think she'll be able to stay there long.
Is this a major episode of doubt that can change? Do you think something else is going on?
Please note: this is his first relationship but he told me he has no desire for another relationship or partner, sleeping with someone else, etc., so I don't think it's a lack of experience on his part. Apparently it has something to do with going out and doing what he wants when he wants but can he always do it??
The boyfriend suddenly decided to leave the 7 year relationship three months before the wedding saying he wanted freedom and no responsibility and lied about being happy but seemed hurt at the thought of leaving and having nowhere to stay. Is it doubt?