Huawei launched new smartwatches like the Watch GT 5 and GT 5 Pro last year, and now, it looks like they will be adding new features to their future wearables. According to a new patent, Huawei is studying how to put an optical fingerprint sensor in smartwatches that can support multiple gestures and fingerprints.
According to MySmartPrice, Huawei has already filed a patent for a smartwatch with an in-display fingerprint sensor. This patent shows that the smartwatch's entire display can serve as a fingerprint sensor, similar to what's on Android smartphones today.
3D Fingerprint Scanner Supports Different Gestures
The patent images show that the fingerprint scanner is capable of registering a 360-degree fingerprint, to perform various actions. It supports multiple gestures, such as using the thumb to back gesture, index finger to make calls, and middle finger to close apps. Users can also control the volume and brightness of the smartwatch using gestures. For example, they can twist the finger clockwise or counter-clockwise to adjust the volume or brightness.
Huawei has not released the exact details about adding in-display fingerprint sensors to their wearables. Maybe they are just using this technology for testing and it might change before their next smartwatches are released. If successful, this will help improve the security and safety of users' personal data.