Toledano & Chan launched their latest watch: the B/1.2 — an elegant and provocative sequel to their first timepiece. Founded by watch enthusiasts and collectors Alfred Chan and Phillip Toledano, the brand first introduced their B/1 in May with a lapis lazuli dial.
Continuing to expand their design inspired by Brutalist architecture, the latest model features a Tahitian mother-of-pearl dial encased in an asymmetrical sapphire crystal. This design change from previous models not only showcases the iridescent beauty of the dial, but also creates a unique mirroring effect that complements its unique watch case. While the case diameter remains the same as the B/1 at 33.5mm, the bracelet and clasp of the B/1.2 have been completely redesigned to match the new dial.
Take a closer look at the details of the timepiece in the gallery above. Toledano & Chan's B/1.2 will launch this March on their official website with a price tag of $5,700 USD.