TAITO Corporation from Japan announced on their official X account that their popular "Desktop Cute" prize figure series will be launching a new item themed around the character Freyren from the popular anime Farewell to the Fireflies!
Farewell to the Fireflies tells the story of Freyren, an elven protagonist with an extremely long life, who once teamed up with the hero Sinmel and his companions to defeat the Demon King. But, after Sinmel died, he gradually realized the fleeting and fleeting nature of human life. To better understand human emotions, Freyren embarks on a journey of self-redemption with two disciples of former comrades.
This time, the Desktop Cute Freyren figure is shown with her hair down while reading a book of magic in a house scene. The figure has been carefully sculpted into the details of her feminine knitted sweater top, the light flow of her dress, and the detailed musculature of her slender arms and legs. Her long flowing hair is made with a translucent material combined with paint, creating a clear and amazing visual effect. This casual and everyday look reveals a unique, ethereal aspect of Freyren.