Japanese company Bandai Gashapon will launch a new series called "Gashatto Collect (ガシャっとコレクト)" with a Pokémon theme, starting with the first series: "Pokémon Gashatto Collect 01" gashapon!
The new series "Pokémon Gashatto Collect 01" uses the largest GASHAPON shell of 90mm in size, designed to look like a Pokémon Poké Ball. It feels heavy when you hold it, like you've actually caught the Pokémon! There are five types: Charizard, Captain Pikachu, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly, which are about 5 cm tall, and the biggest Charizard is 7 cm tall! Each comes with a keychain, which can be turned into a pendant or used as a base for display.
Pokémon Gashatto Collect 01
Five types
Approximate price: 500 yen per turn
Expected release date: December 2024