When it was announced that singer Omar Apollo would make his acting debut alongside Daniel Craig in Luca Guadagnino's upcoming film Queer, the news quickly went viral. The buzz was particularly fueled by discussions surrounding a hot scene between the two lead characters. This excitement is not only due to Apollo's involvement but also the film's portrayal of complex LGBTQ+ relationships.
However, Omar Apollo has more to offer his fans before the movie hits theaters by releasing a special single for the film.
"Te Maldigo," which roughly translates to "I Curse You" in English, is a minimalist serenade that showcases Apollo's slow and soft vocal style. He collaborated with Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross on the production, and the song features gentle guitar plucks in a minor key, perfectly complementing the melancholic lyrics expressed by Apollo’s heartfelt performance: “What a cruel world where you don't love me / What can I do? I curse you,” (translated from Spanish).
Queer is Luca Guadagnino's adaptation of William S. Burroughs' novel, which tells the story of William Lee, a gay expatriate living in Mexico City in the 1950s. The film explores his romantic and hedonistic experiences. The music video for "Te Maldigo" by Omar Apollo aligns with the novel's themes and setting. It takes place in a dark, melancholic bar, likely referencing a similar setting in the book where Lee meets his lover, Eugene Allerton. The video's somber tone reflects the novel’s exploration of complex emotions, including love and longing, and is a fitting backdrop for Apollo's heartfelt serenade.
You can now watch the full music video for "Te Maldigo" by Omar Apollo, available on all streaming platforms.
Queer, the highly anticipated film directed by Luca Guadagnino, will begin screening in select theaters starting November 27.