Disney and 20th Century Animation have announced that Ice Age 6 is currently in development. The Pleistocene era will once again bring back characters Manny, Sid, Diego, and the entire herd to the big screen.
In an official video posted by Disney, Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, and Simon Pegg — who all voiced characters in the franchise — shared the news of their return for a new adventure in the sixth installment. The announcement also confirmed that the film is currently in production. The last Ice Age film was released in 2016 and earned $408.5 million USD worldwide. The first film came out in 2002, and since then, the franchise has expanded to include several shorts, series, and even a spin-off in 2002.
While Disney has not provided an update on the exact release date for the sixth movie, the commercial success of the previous films has certainly paved the way for another installment in the franchise. Watch Romano's announcement in the video below.
Just announced at #D23Brasil: Ice Age 6 is now in production! ❄️ Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, and Simon Pegg are returning for an all-new big screen adventure. pic.twitter.com/b0lCN3tew5
— Disney (@Disney) November 8, 2024