Following the release of Pharrell Williams' animated biopic Piece by Piece, Skateboard P has released the official music video for his title track of the same name. The multi-Grammy award winning artist has debuted the visuals for the new original song, which features clips from the film itself.
The song comes on the heels of the major motion picture's entire soundtrack. It features five new original songs from Pharrell, led by "Piece by Piece," sung by the multi-hyphenate with the Princess Anne High School Fabulous Marching Cavaliers.
Other songs on the soundtrack include “It’s Happening,” “VIRGINIA Boy (Remix)” featuring Tyler, the Creator, “L’EGO Odyssey,” and “For Real.” In addition to five new original songs, the soundtrack contains 16 previously released hits spanning P’s career. These include collaborations with JAY-Z, Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, and many more.
Watch the visuals of the title track above.