The most popular "Ichiban Sho" (Ichiban Shou) series of Bandai SPIRITS from Japan has officially released a new product themed from the popular anime "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind" - "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure : GOLDEN WIND"! Its suggested retail price is 850 yen per draw (approximately PHP 350), and the draw is expected to start on October 26, 2024!
Now, "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure GOLDEN WIND" offers prizes with different levels, from A to L, as well as last prize and double win prize. In it, all character models from A to H are included, containing all members of the Bucciarati team! A prize is for Giorno Giovanna, B for Bruno Bucciarati, C for God Mista, D for Naranga Gilgo, E for Leo Apaki, and F for Panacoda Fugo, and G for Trish Una. Each model has its own iconic magical dynamics that are finely carved!
A Prize: Giorno Giovanna
B Prize: Bruno Bucciarati
C Prize: God Mista
D Prize: Naranga Gilgo
E Prize: Leo Apaki
F Prize: Panacoda Fugo
G Prize: Trish Una
The H prize is the emblem of the passionate organization, and its paint reflects the color and texture of bronze. The I prize is a Sex Pistols table model, with shapes and personalities from No. 1 to No. 7 vividly recreated! The J to L prizes are pizza-shaped plates, rubber pendants, and transparent posters.
The final and double prize is a turtle-shaped storage box. The space created by Mr. President turns into an actual turtle when opened. The shell can hold small items! The big prizes this time around are super fun, and even the small prizes are really unique. Don't miss Golden Wind toys lovers!
H Prize: Badge ng Passionate Organization
I Prize: Sex Pistols Desktop Model
J Prize: Pizza Shape Plate
K Prize: Rubber Pendant
L Prize: Transparent Poster
Last Prize: Turtle-shaped storage box
Suggested price: 850 yen/pump (approximately PHP 350)
Expected release date: October 26, 2024