Megahouse, the Japanese model maker, announced the latest product from their "GGG (Gundam Girls Generation)" series that provides high-quality three-dimensional representations of the female characters in "Mobile Suit Gundam." The new release is the "Lux Klein Driving Suit ver." which is a PVC painted finished product! Its reference price is 24,200 yen (PHP 9,300) and is expected to be released in March 2025.
Lux Klein is the daughter of the former moderate speaker of the Zaft Council and is the "Pink Princess" of P.L.A.N.T., an idol singer who appeals for peace. She was originally Aslan's fiancée, but after meeting Huang Yamato and being labeled as an assassination victim, she left P.L.A.N.T., formed an underground armed organization, and became Huang's girlfriend. After the war, the "Blue Universe" group that opposed the Adjusters launched an independent movement. In order to maintain peace, Earth United, P.L.A.N.T., and the neutral country OP simultaneously created the world peace monitoring organization "COMPASS," headed by Lark, the promoter of ending the war. Lark became the first president.
The "GGG Lux Klein Driving Suit ver." is about 22 cm tall. This is a three-dimensional representation of the driving suit worn by Lux in the final fight in the theatrical version! It shows the gentle motion of extending the hand, there is a warm smile on her face, and the long pink hair flows naturally, depicting Lux's charm in the theatrical version. The driving suit is tightly wrapped and outlines the concave and convex body lines, while the forward leaning movement shows off the curve of her butt! The cosmic-inspired Nebula acrylic base enhances the overall atmosphere. This item is available exclusively at Premium Bandai, AmiAmi, Volks, and Yellow Submarine.
Total Height: about 220mm
Prototype: Shang original
Color: Character
Pricing reference: 24,200 yen (about PHP 9,300)
Estimated Release Date: March 2025