Recently, Lady Gaga announced her special project, which was made following her Harley Quinn-inspired role as Lee in the upcoming Joker sequel. On the 13-song album, the multi-talented artist takes method acting to a new level, taking listeners on a journey through the mind of her character and her own dual persona as Lady Gaga.
The album begins with contemporary renditions of American jazz standards and old Hollywood tunes from show business icons such as Judy Garland, Charlie Chaplin, and Frank Sinatra. For those who know Gaga for her catchy electro-pop songs, they may be surprised by the album's sonic profile. Instead of pulsing synths and four-on-the-floor beats, a big band production provides the backdrop for his theatrical and sometimes maniacal voice.
Gaga also provides impressive soulful vocal runs on covers of “Oh, When the Saints” and “Gonna Build a Mountain.” Towards the end of the album, the artist showcases original tracks such as “Joker,” “Folie à Deux,” and “Happy Mistake,” all co-produced with her fiancé Michael Polansky.
Last week, Gaga gave a teaser about the surprise project through mysterious hand-written Instagram posts and outdoor ads announcing the arrival of the “LG 6.5.” For several years, fans of the artist have given numbered codenames to his projects before their official titles. Dubbed “LG7,” Gaga's seventh full-length LP is slated for release in early 2025. However, fans will get a preview of the record in early October with the release of the as-yet-untitled lead single.
Listen to the full album below and stay tuned for updates on Gaga's next project on Hypebeast.