Renowned action figure brand "Storm Collectibles" from Hong Kong has launched a new product themed with characters from the popular fighting game "The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match (KOF98'UM)." Recently, after launching Terry Berger, they immediately introduced another main character, the arch nemesis of the protagonist Kyo Kusanagi—IORI YAGAMI!
Iori Yagami is one of the important characters in the KOF series. He first appeared in "KOF'95." SNK originally set Nikaidou Benimaru, who was on the same team as Kusanagi Kyo, as Kusanagi Kyo's archenemy. Due to the villain's lack of strength, another character was designed to be his opponent—Iori Yagami. Unexpectedly, Yagami immediately shot to fame when he appeared on stage, surpassing the popularity of Kusanagi Kyo. It can be said that his character design is very good. Everyone is interested in this character who is both good and bad and has a happy demeanor. His moves are also well-known—very handsome and somewhat arrogant, with great attack power and ease of use. Since then, Iori Yagami has become an important character in KOF and has never disappeared.
The 1/12 scale movable figure of Yagami launched by Storm Collectibles upholds the standards of the series, with interchangeable hand parts and accessories for moves with purple flames, such as dark sweeps, oni-yaki, and eight wine glasses. In addition, moves like Sunflower and Eight Girls can also be performed well. There are also four types of replacement accessories for expression, allowing players to imitate Iori Yagami's rough and arrogant posture when he acts, as well as when he provokes and succeeds!
Reference Price: USD 85