HBO is looking for young actors to play the main trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in their upcoming Harry Potter TV series. The production studio posted an open call for young actors aged nine to eleven.
Actors must be residents of the UK or Ireland. HBO is asking for 30-second self-tapes in which actors read a short poem or story of their choice using their own accent. Another self-tape asks the actors to discuss personal information, such as their place of residence and height.
In the casting call, HBO emphasizes their commitment to "inclusive, diverse casting."
"For each role, please submit qualified performers, regardless of ethnicity, gender, disability, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other basis protected by law unless specifically stated," the statement said. post.
The deadline for submissions is October 31, and filming is scheduled to take place throughout 2025 and 2026. The showrunners plan that the Harry Potter series will last seven seasons, each corresponding to a book in the franchise.