The Twilight vampires are coming back in a new animated series from Netflix. Twelve years after the fifth and final film of the popular franchise hit theaters, the streaming platform announced that they are developing a show based on Stephanie Meyer's Midnight Sun, a companion novel to the main series.
Published in 2020, Midnight Sun is a retelling of the first novel, Twilight, but from the perspective of Edward Cullen rather than from the usual narrator Bella Swan.
As with the film adaptation of his books, Meyer will be an executive producer on Netflix's Midnight Sun show, along with his partner from production studio Fickle Fish Films, Meghan Hibbett.
Executive producers also include Wyck Godfrey, Marty Bowen, Erik Feig, and Samie Kim Falvey. Sinead Daly will be both executive producer and writer of the series.
There is no official release date for the show yet.