In Pokémon X and Y which came out in 2013, players can choose a main character—Kalem or Serena—to become a Pokémon Trainer in the Kalos region inspired by France! Here, they must fight Gym Leaders, face Team Flare, and stop Lysandre's evil plans. It's also the first time that the game has full 3D graphics, so the Pokémon are cuter and more alive, and the player can change outfits.
After the Serena with Fennekin figure came out in 2017, finally, Kalem with Froakie is coming to 'ARTFX J' lineup! The figure is 1/8 scale, and is super detailed—Kalem is holding his hat while chill walking, and Froakie, on the other hand, looks like he has a question about the world. It's cute, isn't it?
ARTFX J Kalem with Froakie
- Price: TBA
- Release Date: TBA