Si Leigh Rodgers, 34, has been suffering from severe toothache for a long time but was not immediately given a dental appointment. Due to severe pain, his partner was forced to call an ambulance to take him to hospital in County Durham.
Arriving at University Hospital of North Durham, the doctors confirmed that he had a dental problem but they could help him with his feelings. In order to determine if there was Ludwig's angina, a serious infection caused by toothache, he had to undergo a CT scan.
He was given an iodine-based dye to make the scan results clearer. While inside the machine, he suddenly experienced a severe allergic reaction or anaphylactic shock. The doctors responded immediately, but despite more than 90 minutes of rescue, he lost his life around 6:15 PM.
According to the autopsy, the cause of his death was severe allergic reaction to contrast dye. According to Dr. Oliver Moore, it is only right to perform a CT scan because spreading pain from the teeth to the neck and chest is a serious sign of infection.
According to the coroner, Crispin Oliver, this is a rare case and a very sad event. He expressed his sympathy to Leigh's family and hopes it never happens to anyone else.