CASETiFY introduces an exciting collaboration with Mobile Suit Gundam, creating a collection of tech accessories celebrating the legendary anime series. This partnership perfectly captures the essence of the franchise's iconic factions – the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon – through innovative and stylish designs.
The collection draws inspiration from two legendary mobile suits – Amuro Ray's RX-78-2 Gundam and Char Aznable's MS-06S Char's Zaku II – and brings to life the most famous epic anime machines since 1979.
These pivotal mobile suits, which have set the Gundam narrative for decades, serve as the foundation for a range of tech accessories sure to please longtime fans and new followers alike.
The collection includes an impressive array of products, including a 3D AirPods case inspired by the RX-78-2 Gundam, intricately designed hard-shell phone cases, wireless chargers, grip stands, and protective covers for MacBooks and iPads.
These accessories offer fans a sophisticated way to show their allegiance to the Earth Federation or Zeon.
Launching on December 9, the entire collection will be available on the CASETiFY webstore.