The official online store of the super popular Japanese manga Chiikawa, called Chiikawa Market, has announced the launch of a new series of merchandise under the theme "Parallel World Edition." These exciting new products will be available for purchase in Japan starting November 22, 2024. Fans of Chiikawa can look forward to an exclusive collection that brings the beloved characters to life in unique and imaginative ways.
The Chiikawa Parallel World Edition explores a unique storyline where Chiikawa is bitten by a mysterious insect. As Chii Cat cares for Chiikawa, they are transported into a parallel world. In this new world, Chii encounters a different version of Chiikawa—one that leads a happier and more successful life than the original Chiikawa. As Chii grapples with the confusion of whether to stay in this new world, they begin to change, slowly transforming into "Chimera Chii." This transformation marks a fascinating twist in the story, blending the familiar with the unknown.
He struggles with his own nature and nearly ends by attacking his friends. In the end, at the last moment, he returns to his original world, and the short yet terrifying journey comes to an end.
Ang mga bagong Chiikawa Parallel World!? na produkto ay nagpapakita ng mga karakter mula sa parallel na mundo tulad ng Chiikawa na may pink na tiyan, fluffy na Chii Cat, at mga rabbit na may "scissor ears."
The products include various items such as keychains, handkerchiefs, tote bags, and the most striking of all—a heavy backpack shaped like a large and fluffy Chimera Chii. This unique backpack gives the impression of being embraced by Chimera Chii as you wear it.
Here are the prices and products for the Chiikawa Parallel World!? series:
- Mini plush keychain (Chiikawa, Chii Cat, Rabbit) - 1,650 yen
- Plush keychain (Stronger Chii) - 1,980 yen
- Plush crossbody bag (Stronger Chii) - 4,400 yen
- Tote bag with pocket (Stronger Chii) - 4,400 yen
- Drawstring bag (Blue/Yellow) - 1,320 yen
- Handkerchief (Oo!! Ya!! / Stronger Chii) - 1,100 yen
- Keychain (Omamori-style, 8 designs) - 550 yen
- Acrylic charm (10 designs) - 330 yen
- Bell-shaped acrylic charm (3 designs) - 660 yen
- Laser metal badges (8 designs) - 330 yen
- Lanyard ID case - 748 yen
- Multi-layer acrylic stand (4 designs) - 770 yen
- Notebooks (2 designs) - 550 yen
- Laser stickers (6 designs) - 330 yen
- Decorative stickers (24 pcs) - 495 yen
- Washi tape - 770 yen
- T-shirts (Black/White, M, L, XL) - 3,080 yen
Release of products: No specific shipping date provided.
Sale date: November 22, 2024.