The popular hunting and fighting game series "Monster Hunter," which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, has announced a collaboration with the legendary LCD toy "Digimon" "Monster Fighter" released by Bandai Toy Company. They released a cross-border product that can cultivate monsters. "Monster Fighting Machine COLOR Monster Hunter 20th Edition (Fire Dragon Color/Thunder Wolf Dragon Color)" is expected to be released in February 2025.
The two colors of "Monster Fighter COLOR Monster Hunter 20th Edition" are designed with the look and color of Fire Dragon and Thunder Wolf Dragon. All sides of the body shell have a full print, so the pattern looks cool. The hardware specifications are almost the same as the re-engraved version released on Digimon's 25th anniversary. It has a color LCD screen, USB Type-C charging function, and can also be connected to the previously released COLOR series for cross-border battles between Digimon and monsters!
On the software side, this is a unique version specially made for "Monster Hunter," which includes Fire Dragon, Thunder Wolf Dragon, Golden Lion, Velociraptor, Strange Dragon, Bubble Fox Dragon, Boom Dragon, and Black Erosion Dragon . Including the normal version, it reaches 36 monsters such as subspecies and aliased versions that can be cultivated. At the same time, classic backgrounds from "Monster Hunter" such as volcanoes, deserts, snowy mountains, and towers can also be changed. The 8-bit version can also be heard during battles and victories, along with sound effects like Proof of Heroes!
This collaboration also invited Mr. Takeshi Watanabe, the soul designer of the "Digimon" series, to draw collaboration-limited original monsters, which can also be cultivated into monster fighting machines. They are "Fire Tyrannosaurus" which is a fusion of Charmander and Greymon and "Thunderwolf Garurumon," which is a fusion of Thunderwolf Dragon and Garurumon.
Approximate price: 7,700 yen (approximately PHP 3,000)
Estimated release date: February 2025