The "Premium Hanami Anana" sitting series by SEGA Prize, a subsidiary of SEGA Game Company in Japan, will be released in the animation adaptation of the popular light novel "Too Many Lost Heroines!" The new "Hanami Anana" themed product is expected to be released in November 2024 as a scenery-based product!
"Too Many Lost Heroines!" is a light novel series created by Amenori Fire and adapted into a TV animation by A-1 Pictures in 2024. The story is about Kazuhiko Onmizu, a high school student, who accidentally meets his classmate Anami Anami and the his childhood sweetheart at the family restaurant one day, when they couldn't express their feelings. From then on, their interaction began and they met some classmates who were also "lost heroines".
Today, "Premium Hanami Anana" created an animation of Hanami's classmate kneeling on the ground. It shows the details of the wrinkles on the summer uniform shirt and pleated skirt, as well as the unique design of the four bows on the chest. The fluffy blue hairstyle and iconic dull hair have been restored, and the dynamic movement of her hands and her confident smile show her unique character charm!
Pricing reference: sold as scenic products
Product specification: about 8×9 cm
Expected release date: November 2024