The SEGA PRIZE Premium Chokonose series under Japan's SEGA Game Company, following the popular collaboration “Hatsune Miku Mirai×Big-Eared Dog Hikaru Ver is expected to be released in November 2024!
SEGA's special item "Hatsune Miku × Big-eared Dog Nozomi Ver stands approximately 14 cm tall and features Hatsune's characteristic twin ponytails. The white one is tied with a small black bow, and appears in a -round and round of gravity, making the whole heavier. In his hands, he held the big-eared dog Xina, also tied with a black bow. Echoed them and Miku to each other, adding a bit of seriousness to the original sweetness.
Size: Total length approx 10×14cm
Reference price: sold in the form of beautiful products
Estimated release date: November 2024