Higround once again collaborates with the world of anime, after previous collaborations with Jujutsu Kaisen and Naruto. This time, Higround has teamed up with One Piece to celebrate its anime's 25th anniversary. The project follows One Piece's recent collaborations with CASETiFY and Lacoste as fans continue to celebrate 25 years of its episodes.
As usual, Higround has made a special version of the Basecamp 65, Performance Base 65, and Summit 65 keyboards, using TTC Neptune switches. For the One Piece element, the six keyboard designs include looks inspired by Nami, Tony Tony Chopper, Sanji, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Monkey D. Luffy, and Roronoa Zoro. In addition to the keyboards, seven different large mousepads were created, featuring the individual characters of Nami, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Roronoa Zoro, and Monkey D. Luffy, a shot of many of the franchise's main characters, a collection of wanted posters, and the Thousand Sunny. The collection also includes a blue co-branded jelly bag.
For those interested in purchasing the new One Piece x Higround peripheral collection, it will launch on August 30 at 3pm EDT via Higround and will also be available through Best Buy's Drops program and select retailers. Stay tuned for more updates about One Piece and Higround.